Note Taking Tips

As a student, an essential skill to have is effective note-taking. This ability is a key element of your academic journey, and it’s crucial to develop this skill early on. Note-taking helps you retain information and understand the material better. It also helps you prepare for exams and assignments by having all the necessary information in one place. However, taking effective notes requires more than writing everything you hear or see in class. The process involves a personalized approach in order to maximize the information you retain while minimizing the time and effort you put forth.

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College Application Tips

Applying to college is one of the biggest steps any high school student takes in their education. The enormity of the process and decision can be incredibly stressful. I myself can attest to this as I went through the struggle this last year. The goal of this article is to share some personal experiences that I believe can help prospective applicants, and give some tips to finding the right college for you.

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How to Succeed on the ACT

A common question that almost every high school student will have at some point is “Should I take the SAT or the ACT?”

Most of you will have some familiarity with the SAT and its younger sibling, the PSAT, through school administered tests. Because of this, a majority of you will choose to take the SAT, simply because you have never taken the ACT before. But in reality, the ACT is not much different from the SAT, and with a few simple tips, you can learn how to adequately prepare and ace for the ACT.

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Robin’s Nest Tutoring Year in Review: 2020

2020 was, by almost all accounts, a difficult year – but despite everything, we at Robin’s Nest have a lot to be thankful for.

Amidst all of the bleakness, 2020 was a year full of growth and development for Robin’s Nest, in only our second full year as an organization. And as 2020 comes to an end, we think it’s worth reflecting on how far we’ve come.

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The Value of Studying Fine Arts: Series Introduction

Fine arts come in many different forms, each helping individuals express a piece of themselves. The arts have the capability to reveal things found deep within the soul that is often difficult to convey with mere words. Those who participate in the arts understand that some human emotions and ideas can only be felt and communicated by artistic means. Whether it be through theatre, art, choir, orchestra, band, dance, or any other artistic outlet, each unique fine art enables creativity, effort, enjoyment and collaboration. Fine arts can also teach students ideals that other subjects neglect to instill, such as the power of perspective, the beauty of different interpretations, and the blessing of diversity. The arts are a crucial part of society and impact how individuals form their identity. The true value of fine arts should never be overlooked or taken for granted. 

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Interesting Summer Programs to Apply to

Summer programs can potentially be extremely valuable resources for middle and high school students, as they can allow you to access information and teachings from outside your local sphere. However, with such a variety of programs available, it is sometimes difficult to find educational and affordable summer camps to apply to. Here are a few summer programs – including many local options – that we recommend taking a close look at in case you or your child are interested.

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